Abdominoplasty Options - Which Tuck is Right for You? Health Articles | November 24 Paulinho Jersey , 2011 An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) can improve the look of your tummy and can give it a flatter and firmer look that you will love. Here we look at the three main types of tucks available to you.
An abdominoplasty is the medical name for a tummy tuck. If your tummy is looking less than fabulous these days and if you yearn for the taut and toned abdomen you used to have in days and years gone by then it may be time to consider having a tuck.
Abdominoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery that is performed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal region in order to give it a firmer and more toned look. Both the middle and the lower abdomen can be worked upon by the plastic surgeon. The fascia and muscle of the abdominal wall are tightened and this will result in a smoother and flatter tummy that does not protrude. A tuck is commonly sought after by women following pregnancies or by those who have lost a considerable amount of weight and now have loose and sagging skin.
If you wish to have a tummy tuck the questions then becomes, which one is most suitable for your body issues? There are three main types of tucks. You will not know which one is most suitable for you until you know what each one is about.
The Mini Tummy Tuck
The mini tummy tuck is the least invasive of the tummy tuck procedures and it sometimes referred to as the scarless tummy tuck. It is named as such because only a small or mini amount of skin is removed. As well the incision is smaller than the incisions made for the other types of tummy tucks.
If you are a slim individual who is healthy but you have a localized area of flab on your stomach that you cannot get rid of with healthy eating or physical activity then the mini abdominoplasty is a good choice for you. If that little bit of fat on your stomach has got you down then the mini is the most appropriate choice for you.
The Traditional Tummy Tuck
The traditional tummy tuck (also sometimes called the standard tummy tuck) is a good choice for both males and females who are in good health physically but who have a fair amount of loose skin in their abdominal areas that they wish to get rid of. If you have experienced multiple pregnancies and you now have abdominal muscles that are weak or you have excess flab that bothers you then the traditional tummy tuck can improve the appearance of your midsection tremendously.
With this type of abdominoplasty the incision is larger than it is with the mini tummy tuck and more skin is removed. In some instances minor liposuction may also be required.
The Extended Tummy Tuck
Those with the largest portions of loose and droopy skin on the abdomen would benefit from the extended tummy tuck. Those who also have loose skin on their hips and on the sides of their lower back can be helped in this manner because this abdominoplasty extends beyond the middle and lower abdomen. Liposuction is almost always required in this case because of the extra skin that needs to be removed as well as the excess fat. The liposuction procedure works in conjunction with the tuck to eliminate the excess fat cells as well as to drain the fluids from the areas being operated upon.
Article Tags: Tummy Tuck, Mini Tummy, Traditional Tummy
Find Your ?Happy Place? For New Year's Success! Marketing Articles | December 28, 2003 Find Your ?Happy Place? For New Year's ... Hans KleinYou may call me crazy. but it's ... I recently saw one of my favorite movies, ?Happy Gilmore? staring Adam Sandler, I realized that th
Find Your ?Happy Place? For New Year's Success! By Hans Klein
You may call me crazy. but it's true.
When I recently saw one of my favorite movies, ?Happy Gilmore? staring Adam Sandler, I realized that this movie has an extremely important success principle that you should know about to achieve success in the new year.
Let me explain:
In the movie, the main character, Happy, can't find a stable job and can't seem to make his dream of playing hockey come true.
...And after Happy fails to make the hockey team for the 11th time, his girlfriend gets fed up and leaves him...in other words, his life seems like a complete failure.
Then his life turns around when he makes a very important promise to his Grandmother and himself that he will get her house back from the government, which may be auctioned off unless Happy comes up with $270,000 in 90 days.
So, what does this have to do with success?
You see, soon after he made that promise to his grandmother, he realized that he had an amazing talent to drive a golf ball, which he developed as a hockey player.
...And by stating his desire to make enough money to get his grandmother's house back, new solutions began to appear that would have otherwise gone by unnoticed.
Do you have any hidden opportunities around you? You'll only find them if you make it known to yourself and to others what you are looking for.
Once Happy becomes a professional golfer and starts taking home big checks, the antagonist 'Shooter McGavin' hires a man to intimidate Happy while he is golfing, so he will not win the championship.
This strategy of intimidation takes its toll on Happy, and Happy's game falls apart because his mind becomes clouded with self-doubt and intense irritation.